Bosses are special custom enemies that pose a special challenge to all players.All bosses have these specific properties:
Threat Table: Unlike normal mobs, who attacks nearby players randomly, bosses observe the amount of damage players deal to them and target the player whose the damage recorded is at the highest (most threat).
Immunity Table: When hit, mobs have a specific window of time when any damage dealt to them is reduced relative to the amount of original damage. This is normally shared between all players. However, each player when attacking bosses will have their own immunity time, which means players' attacks will not interfere with each others.
Top Damager: At the end of a boss fight, a message will appear telling the top 5 players who deal the most damage and also your position on the leaderboard. If it's a public and non-dungeon boss, only the top 5 wil recieve the loot, with some loot entry requiring specific top positions. If it's a dungeon boss, all players will recieve the loot.
Also, some abilities will not work on bosses (specified in abilities tooltips).
Details regarding each bosses can be accessed in-game through /codex
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